British RCOG Abortion Guidelines Based on Bad Science

International   |   John Smeaton   |   Nov 23, 2011   |   12:34PM   |   London, England

The new guideline on abortion issued today by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) (see note 1 below) is based on pro-abortion ideology and bad science. Here’s what I told the media about it earlier today:

The RCOG’s new guideline further entrenches its de facto role as the puppet of the abortion industry. Whether it is the physical and psychological effects of abortion, conscientious objection or counselling for women, the RCOG promotes ideology and bad science instead of high clinical and ethical standards.

The RCOG says (note 2) that counselling should be merely “offered on request”. The new guideline doesn’t even cover counselling in detail (note 3). The guideline does, however, give the paltry assurance that “[w]omen should be informed that they have a right to delay or cancel appointments and/or the [abortion] should they wish.” (note 4). The RCOG is particularly keen to get women to use contraception (note 5), even though contraception is closely associated with rising abortion figures (note 6).

The RCOG is at pains to convince women that “abortion carried out by an NHS approved provider is a safe procedure” (note 7). All the studies which link abortion to breast cancer, ectopic pregnancy, placenta praevia, infertility or psychological harm are dismissed (note 8). The right of medics to conscientious objection to abortion is interpreted in falsely narrow terms (note 9).

Chillingly, the guideline recommends that in some cases “feticide should be performed…to ensure that there is no risk of a live birth.” (note 10) That is the reality of abortion: the killing of babies, denied their equal right to life as innocent members of the human family.

1) “The Care of Women Requesting Induced Abortion. Evidence-based Clinical Guideline Number 7”, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG), London, November 2011
2) Q & a briefing on guideline
3) Guideline, 1.2: “Counselling to assist individuals in making the decision to have an abortion, rather than to continue the pregnancy, is not discussed in detail. The starting point of this guideline is the point at which a woman presents to a health provider requesting induced abortion of an unintended/unwanted pregnancy.”
4) Guideline, 4.25.
5) Guideline, 6.2: “All appropriate methods of contraception should be discussed with women at the initial assessment and a plan agreed for contraception after the abortion.”
6) Dr Judy Bury, former director, Brook Advisory Centre, Edinburgh: “There is overwhelming evidence that, contrary to what you might expect, the provision of contraception leads to an increase in the abortion rate.” (The Scotsman, 29 June 1981).
7) Q & a briefing on guideline
8) Guideline, 5.10 to 5.13.
9) Guideline, 3.3.
10) Guideline, 6.21 Note: John Smeaton is the director of the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC), a leading pro-life group in the UK.