Washington Post Laments Fewer Abortions on Minority Children

Opinion   |   Ryan Bomberger   |   Sep 21, 2011   |   4:06PM   |   Washington, DC

The Washington Post, as most mainstream media outlets, suffers from a common ailment among journalists: cluelessness. Eugenically speaking, they did Margaret Sanger proud.

This week they lamented the prospect that less Black and Hispanic babies would be killed if Virginia’s abortion clinics were forced to abide by the same construction & design rules as real healthcare facilities. See what happens when you co-opt language? Planned Parenthood touts itself as a healthcare provider then protests when they are held to the same standards. Granted, one can make a lot of money aborting children if they have squalid conditions like Philly abortionist Kermit Gosnell.

Regulations just get in the way of profit. Gosnell’s horrid clinic conditions didn’t bother abortion groups who were unmoved to action by the butchery, sterilization, and post birth homicides that occurred for over ten years in this unregulated clinic. But then again, Gosnell killed mostly minority babies who needed (apparently according to the silence of NARAL, NAF and Planned Parenthood) the kind of reproductive justice he was serving. Gosnell’s methods and clinic conditions were not the exception, as evidenced by numerous others throughout the country that defied scrutiny because states failed to inspect or regulate them.

The Washington Post Editorial Board, doubtfully made up of low-income individuals, made the following doom-filled prophecy: “The main victims of choking off the availability of abortions will be poor African Americans and Hispanics, who account for a majority of women who undergo abortions nationwide.” Yes, those poor minorities. Just can’t kill enough of them before they’re born. I can’t help but notice how peculiar their metaphorical use of death is in a situation where 72 unborn children actually die by abortion, needlessly, on a daily basis in Virginia. No matter the race, abortion is an avoidable tragedy.

Perhaps the Post is too preoccupied with posting Op-Eds by Planned Parenthood personnel than looking into why abortions occur in the black community at 5 times the rate of the majority population. But don’t bother to get those reasons from the Guttmacher Institute. They have a serious conflict of interest, in the receipt of over $2.1 million of Planned Parenthood funding since 2004, as they defend the nation’s largest abortion chain. Guttmacher contradicts itself claiming that more low-income women are having abortions today, 4 out of 10, than ten years ago. But ten years ago, they reported that more than 5 out of 10 low-income women accounted for all abortions.

So, low-income women (who are disproportionately black and Hispanic) need more “access”. Obviously black women do not “lack access” to contraception if they can find the same “reproductive healthcare” clinics 5 times more frequently than white women to have abortions. Or, perhaps, poor women don’t realize these same clinics, predominantly located in Black/Hispanic neighborhoods (see latest independent study by Life Dynamics) provide the magical cure to all unintended pregnancies: contraception.  Are these media intellectuals being intellectually insulting or just deliberately clueless?

And what creates this low-income situation? The largest contributor to poverty is fatherless families, something our TooManyAborted.com initiative exposes in our latest “Fatherhood begins in the womb” campaign. The numbers, and their consequences, are undeniable. Perhaps the Washington Post’s editorial board couldn’t pick up on something so obvious.  Among black women in Virginia, 71% of all abortions are on unmarried women and 67% of black children are born to single mothers. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, a child in a single-female led home is 5 times more likely to be impoverished than a child raised in a two-parent married home.

With the exponential proliferation of contraception and massive increases in Title-X funding, unintended pregnancy rates have only increased in the black community. Nationally, the overall unintended pregnancy rate hasn’t budged, according to the CDC.

Some say politics is “all about the economy, stupid.” Well, preventing abortions is “all about the behavior, stupid.” The only thing these abortion clinics (and their media allies) are preventing is the truth from being known as they mutilate not only common sense, but over 26,356 unborn lives annually considered, quite eugenically, “unfit.”