A new pro-life billboard campaign in California has a clear message for the African-American community: Fatherhood begins in the womb. That’s what a group of black pro-life advocates want people to know.
Walter Hoye, a pro-life African-American pastor, teamed up with Radiance Foundation founder Ryan Bomberger, a LifeNews blogger who is a black pro-life and adoption advocate, for the new professional billboard campaign.
The Radiance Foundation, partnering with the Issues4Life Foundation, announces a powerful new billboard/web campaign to illuminate the crisis of fatherlessness. The new TooManyAborted.com billboards, “Fatherhood begins in the womb”, have been placed in Sacramento, California, the state that has aborted 214,190 of its children in the last reported year, Bomberger says.
“When a child is conceived, a father is born,” Bomberger told LifeNews.
“The abortion industry has created a culture of abandonment. Responsibility has become someone else’s concern, and death the solution to ‘unplanned’ pregnancies–the natural result of sexual behavior,” Bomberger explains. “There’s nothing natural about an industry that generates over $200 million, annually, by killing a child left defenseless by the absence of a father.”
Hoye says the billboard campaign focuses on the most missing component of the national abortion debate: fathers. He said the campaign details the culture of abandonment that abortion has created by revealing the statistics of fatherlessness, single-parent poverty, and the deterioration of two-parent married households.
“When a man has sex with a woman he is consenting to being a father,” Hoye says. “We want to emphasize the biblical requirement and vital need for men to be involved as providers and protectors when life happens.”
“In the mid 60s, an alarming 25% of black children were born to single mothers. Today, 41% of all U.S. children (72.3% of black children and 35.7% of white children) are born to unmarried households. This is a major crisis,” Hoye adds.
Bomberger says Roe vs. Wade was sold to women as empowering them but, “Men have been empowered by Roe v. Wade to have sex and run. They’ve been forced out of their crucial role by perpetual welfare and today’s brand of liberal feminism.”
La Verne Tolbert, Ph.D., former New York City Planned Parenthood Board Member and part of the National Black Pro-Life Coalition, also supports the new billboard and web site campaign, saying, “Too many men have abdicated their responsibility in the home. The pervasiveness of a fatherless society is the tragic result of this moral decline. Today’s alarming abortion rates demonstrate the need for men to, once again, become the protectors of their children and the guardians of their families.”
Christina Marie Martin, the Director of Bound4Life Atlanta is supportive as well: “The words of my Father influenced my mother to schedule an appointment to abort me. Fathers possess great power to protect life or destroy it.”
Star Parker, syndicated columnist and President of C.U.R.E. (Center for Urban Renewal & Education), adds: “Planned Parenthood has injected its venom into urban America for decades. TooManyAborted.com exposes how they’ve left our inner-cities fatherless and made abortion the number one killer of black Americans.”
The www.TooManyAborted.com campaign educates about the consequences of fatherlessness, including significantly higher rates of infant mortality, child abuse, school dropouts, and criminal behavior. It also provides life-affirming resources to men and women to help them with parenting needs.