The Planned Parenthood abortion business is unhappy that the state legislature approved a Medicaid overhaul plan that allows doctors and clinics to opt out of providing family planning services “due to an objection on moral or religious grounds.”
Planned Parenthood has sent a threatening letter to the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration saying the decision could restrict access to a service that is federally required. According to a Florida Independent report, state legislators approved the opt out request for Catholic Services, which wants to become a medical provider but doesn’t want to be forced to dispense birth control.
A pro-abortion lawmaker tried to remove the provision and State Sen. Nan Rich, a Democrat, filed an amendment saying, “the agency shall ensure the availability of federally-required benefits if it is not covered by the plan,” but the Independent indicates that failed.
The new Planned Parenthood letter is written by Vice President for Public Policy Judith Selzer and it asks that state agency to guarantee access to birth control despite the language of the overhaul.
“If family planning providers cannot afford to participate in Medicaid as out-of-network providers, Medicaid beneficiaries are likely to find it difficult to access these services, even if they are a part of the benefit package to which they are entitled,” writes Selzer.
The web site indicates the agency has until July 1 to adopt new rules.
Planned Parenthood has a history of attempting to get Catholic and other medical providers to dispense birth control or refer for abortions. The abortion business pressured the Institute of Medicine to recommend to the Obama administration that it force insurance companies to pay for birth control under the Obamacare government-run health care program.
The recommendation could have the Obama administration requiring insurance programs to include birth control — such as the morning after pill or the ella drug that causes an abortion days after conception — in the section of drugs and services insurance plans must cover under “preventative care.” The companies will likely pass the added costs on to consumers, requiring them to pay for birth control and, in some instances, drug-induced abortions of unborn children in their earliest days.
The Health and Human Services Department commissioned the report from the Institute, which advises the federal government and shut out pro-life groups in meetings leading up to the recommendations. “They asked for the guidance on what the evidence and science says, so that’s what we’ve given,” said Christine Stencel, a spokeswoman for the Institute told the National Journal.