Pro-abortion groups are mounting a vigorous campaign to convince Governor Jay Nixon to veto legislation banning most late-term abortions in Missouri.
Planned Parenthood is spearheading a push to persuade Nixon to veto two identical bills passed by the General Assembly this session which prohibit abortions of viable preborn children. The bills, sponsored by Senator Rob Mayer and Representative Tim Jones, were adopted by the Missouri House and Senate with strong bi-partisan veto-proof majorities.
The proposals would limit late-term abortions to instances when the mother’s life is in danger or when continuation of the pregnancy would result in significant health risks to the mother. The legislation would essentially put an end to post-viability abortions performed for reasons of “mental health” or”emotional distress.”
The proposed statute would impose major criminal penalties on doctors who perform illegal late-term abortions. Doctors who violate the law would face jail time, hefty fines, and the loss of their license to practice medicine.
Enactment of the law would prevent the establishment of abortion clinics in Missouri which market late-term abortion procedures. Kansas and Nebraska have been home to notorious assembly-line late-term abortionists. Numerous states are passing late-term abortion bans, and without such a law on the books, Missouri becomes a more attractive place to set up a late-term abortion business.
Should Nixon veto the bills, it is a near certainty that his veto would be overridden. Last year, the Governor chose to avoid a potential veto override of the ultrasound informed consent bill by allowing the bill to become law without his signature. Nixon has until July 15th to make a decision about this year’s bills.
We encourage you to contact Governor Nixon to urge him to sign Senate Bill 65 and House Bill 213. You can do so by using this link: Governor Jay Nixon Note: Joe Oertwerth writes for the Missouri Family Policy Council.