It’s always great to start your Monday with good news, so here it is: So far, we are aware of at least 101 lives saved from abortion during this 40 Days for Life campaign — that we know of!
Here are just a few of the blessings that God has provided in answer to your prayers:
College Park, Maryland
A tall man and a visibly pregnant woman walked up to the abortion center, only to find the door was locked.
“It’s closed,” said a 40 Days for Life vigil participant, “but I have information on free pregnancy help.”
The woman took information on fetal development, but the couple walked around to the back of the building to try another door. It, too, was locked. So they sat on the steps and looked through the brochure they were given. Eventually, the building opened, and the couple went in.
Two hours later, they came out — to get more information. “Can I ask you a personal question?” the volunteer said to the woman. “Were you thinking about getting an abortion?”
“Yes, I was thinking about it. But now I’m not going to get one,” she answered. What changed her mind? “That booklet,” she said. “I didn’t know the baby looked like that and was that size.”
Brisbane, Australia
A woman walked out of the abortion center, saying she needed a bite to eat. “But it was obvious she was reconsidering,” said Kathy, one of the 40 Days for Life prayer volunteers. It turns out that the woman decided not to go through with her abortion — and she phoned her boyfriend to come pick her up.
“This is the second time she has made an appointment to abort this child and not followed through,” said Kathy. “She really needs our prayer support in particular for the financial problems facing the family. But at least she will not have to deal with the guilt.”
As she left, she expressed her gratitude — and so did her boyfriend. Said Kathy, “God is good and merciful.”
Manchester, New Hampshire
There are many, many situations where your prayers are still needed. 40 Days for Life volunteers were able to speak to a woman who had arrived for an RU-486 abortion.
“She sat in her car quite a while, counting money,” said Betty in Manchester, “but it was obvious she was reluctant to go in.”
After speaking to her for a while, Betty invited her to visit a pregnancy resource center for an ultrasound. This woman is eight weeks pregnant and she has two children. Her husband is insisting on an abortion that she does not want.
“She cried all night and begged God to give her a sign,” Betty said. “When she saw pro-lifers praying, she knew that was His reply. Please pray that her husband has a change of heart.”
Corpus Christi, Texas
Outside the abortion center, 40 Days for Life vigil participants were able to talk with a couple — but couldn’t convince them to turn away. As they walked in, the volunteers resumed their prayers. A short time later, they came out of the building. The young woman raised her hands in the air and said, “I didn’t do it!”
“They were so happy,” said one of the volunteers, “and they begged us to pray for them. “Prayers — and the vigil — work,” she said. “Amen!”
Greenland, New Hampshire
It’s cold in New Hampshire. “As you can see, the ground is still snow covered,” said Jackie, the local 40 Days for Life coordinator. “The temperature was hovering around freezing, but there was lots of enthusiasm from these dedicated individuals.”
Lawrenceville, Georgia
A woman walked from the Planned Parenthood parking lot to ask a volunteers, “Do you really offer free help?” It turned out that she was there with her daughter who was seeking an abortion.
After talking with the volunteer for a few minutes about fetal development and post-abortion syndrome — and where to go for free help — the woman asked for information to take inside the abortion center for her daughter to look at. That’s all we know at this point. So please keep this family in your prayers, that this young woman will choose life for her unborn child!
Chicago, Ilinois
The 40 Days for Life volunteers in Old Town Chicago sent some pictures of late night/early morning vigil participants, some of whom were “treated” to a cold rain during their prayer times outside a Planned Parenthood center on North LaSalle Boulevard.
Colorado Springs, Colorado
The volunteers in Colorado Springs had one quick story to tell — but no picture, unfortunately. They were surprised when SIX police cars suddenly appeared on the scene last week. Someone had called in a trespassing complaint — but they had confused a memorial service going on outside a nearby rehab center with the 40 Days for Life group. Same purpose — prayer — but different folks and a different location. Both events were quite legal.
The officers said “never mind,” got back in their patrol cars, and the vigil continued. Never a dull moment.