National Pro-Life Chalk Day to Spark Student Activism

National   |   Steven Ertelt   |   Feb 2, 2011   |   1:53PM   |   Washington, DC

Two pro-life groups that cater to college students and young adults will co-host the first National Pro-Life Chalk Day tomorrow, with the goal to place pro-life messages that can easily wash off on college and high school campuses.

Chalking is a historic method of student activism on key political issues and Rock for Life and Students for Life of America provided a jumpstart to the national event by giving out 10,000 pieces of chalk at the National Pro-Life Youth Rally that took place following the March for Life.

National Pro-Life Chalk Day is an essential activism day designed to unite students in their efforts to educate their campus communities through writing pro-life messages in chalk on the sidewalks of their campus. Chalking is an easy and inexpensive way to spread the pro-life message to thousands of students on campuses across the country, says Kristan Hawkins, the SFLA director.

“Sidewalk chalking pro-life messages on campus is a critical tool to educate students in schools across the country,” she told “With a few pieces of chalk and pro-life slogans, you can leave a lasting impression on hundreds or even thousands of people.With National Pro-Life Chalk Day, we are uniting students from across the country as they make an impact on their campus and their communities.”

Erick Whittington of Rock for Life said education is a key component of changing hearts and minds on abortion.

“I’ve always said that the more we talk about abortion and what the act does to a baby and his / her mother the more hearts and minds are changed to the pro-life position and the more babies lives that are spared.  One way to get people talking is to sidewalk chalk pro-life messages,” he said. “So tomorrow, grab some sidewalk chalk, grab some friends and start chalking public sidewalks.  It’s fun and a little rebellious.”

Whittington talked about a previous time chalking made a pro-life difference:

Several years ago Rock for Life became aware of a Planned Parenthood rally coming up. Early that morning, before anyone from Planned Parenthood showed up we sent a team of young pro-life activists to sidewalk chalk on the public sidewalks where Planned Parenthood was hosting their rally.  We chalked pro-life messages: “Abortion Kills a Baby,” “Abortion Hurts Women,” etc., etc.  When Planned Parenthood and their supporters showed up they were a little upset by the life affirming messages so they moved their rally across the street. When we crossed the street to join their rally with our pro-life signs they called the cops trying to get us removed from their rally spot.  The police refused to move us because we were on a public sidewalk and Planned Parenthood left their designated, permitted rally spot. So, since we sidewalk chalked we got the pro-life message out in two places at once.  See, this can be fun!

There are numerous stories like this I could share but you get the point. Sidewalk chalking is inexpensive, fun and another creative way to get the pro-life message out.

For more information on National Pro-Life Chalk Day or to see sample pro-life messages, visit