Four organizations that focus on bringing the pro-life perspective to youth and young adults are joining together for a historic national rally for young Americans in conjunction with the March for Life against abortion.
Students for Life of America along with Rock for Life, 40 Days for Life, and the Human Life Alliance, announced that it will host the first-ever National Pro-Life Youth Rally to complement the March on Monday, January 24. The March marks the anniversary, two days prior, of the Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton decisions that, combined, allowed virtually unlimited all nine months of pregnancy.
The pro-life organizations believe the rally is an opportunity for pro-life youth to gather with other young people from across America, stand up for unborn children, and learn how to save lives in their schools and communities.
Kristan Hawkins, the director of Students for Life and founder of the National Pro-Life Youth Rally, told “As recent polls have shown, the youth of America are the most pro-life generation since Roe v. Wade and, we are working with that generation to end abortion in our lifetime. A quarter of our generation – possibly our best friends, siblings, or spouses – have been aborted.”
“It is time for this injustice to end, and we look forward to hosting the first National Pro-Life Youth Rally to bring awareness to the greatest human rights battle of this generation,” Hawkins added.
The National Pro-Life Youth Rally will feature music from award-winning Christian recording artists Barlow Girl, followed by national pro-life speakers such as Dr. Alveda King, former Planned Parenthood Director Abby Johnson and other speakers.
People who pre-register to attend the Rally will be mailed a free Abolish Abortion, National Pro-Life Youth Rally bracelet that will guarantee entrance to the event. Free Action Kits with pro-life literature, music download cards, and action materials will be be provided at the Rally to the first 5,000 participants. [related]
David Bereit of 40 Days for Life, Erik Whittington of Rock for Life, Lila Rose of Live Action, and Ryan Bomberger of TooManyAborted will join Hawkins in speaking at the event.
The National Pro-Life Youth Rally will take place after the annual pro-life March from 2:00 to 3:20pm and 3:30 to 5:00pm.