Alveda King: Pro-Life Movement Must Out-Hustle Abortion Lobby’s Big Money

Opinion   |   Alveda King   |   Nov 19, 2010   |   6:50PM   |   New York, NY

With the 2010 elections behind us and the Pro-Life Movement having such a great success in the number of Pro-Life candidates who were elected into office in local and national races, it’s time to take a short relaxing break, okay that’s it, and get back to work for the 2012 agenda.

A couple of years ago the Holy Spirit put it on my heart that I should stay away from politics in the public arena as my calling is Pro-Life work, especially fighting to end abortion and helping those who have been harmed by abortion to find healing and forgiveness.

As such, I focus on, not endorsing any political party or candidate, but rather, on praying for good and righteous men and women to run for office who are willing to stand up for the unborn and against abortion, the greatest evil of our times.

According to a Los Angeles Times article, “more than 100 wealthy Democrats gathered . . . for a closed meeting in which participants repeatedly called for Obama [to] be more aggressive in his agenda and tactical combat with the Republican right.”

Attending the meeting this week, among others, was George Soros. Although a plan is not in place yet, “one idea floated during the meeting calls for raising at least $50 million through several organizations, with a focus on reenergizing and mobilizing Obama’s base, according to participants in the talks, who hope to have a strategy in place by January.”

Money like that shouldn’t be hard to raise with the support and backing of people such as Soros. The article goes on to say that another meeting is being held on Monday that will include the attendance of “…Ellen Malcolm, the founder of Emily’s List, which backs candidates who support abortion rights…”

In a separate article by the Red White Blue News, they state that , “[t]he Center [The Center for American Progress which is funded by George Soros] now is providing a blueprint of ways Barack Obama can do an end run around the people’s will by resorting to methods that will strike many of us as being improper-to say the least. Relying on executive orders, interpretation of regulations, rule -making and the like they are collectively a recipe for even more power being assumed by President Obama.”

Basically, nullifying the message the people sent Washington and particularly, the Obama administrations, during these most recent elections. It looks as though they didn’t get the message.

According to a Tell-All-Gram sent out by American Life League, they state that “The Obama administration has awarded Planned Parenthood another $20 million Bucks!” That’s $20 million of our tax dollars. The only aborting we need in America is to abort tax–payer funding of Planned Parenthood.

So why am I talking politics? Well, I’m not really talking politics as much as I am talking about the people in charge of our country and the laws they may or may not enact. I don’t care what party or person is in charge as long as they are fighting for the unborn. It’s obvious that President Obama is for abortion on demand, supports Planned Parenthood and is backed by them.

The people attending the meetings want to keep him in office. I have a problem with that and will do what I can to have someone who is pro-life sitting in that office, be they Democrat, Republican, Independent, or whatever party. We need to heal our land and bring an end to abortion.