Wisconsin: Walker Leads Barrett as TV Ad Misleads on Stem Cell Research
by Steven Ertelt
LifeNews.com Editor
October 13, 2010
Madison, WI (LifeNews.com) — Republican Scott Walker now holds a nine-point lead over Milwaukee’s Democratic Mayor Tom Barrett in their race to become the next governor of the state of Wisconsin. Barrett may be feeling the heat as he has unveiled a television ad that critics say falsely slams Walker on stem cell research.
A new Rasmussen Reports poll released today surveying likely voters finds Walker earning 51% of the vote, while Barrett receives 42% support. Another 7 percent like another candidate or are undecided.
"Two weeks ago, Walker, the county executive of Milwaukee County, held a 50% to 44% advantage over his Democratic opponent. Walker has consistently led Barrett in surveys dating back to February, with support ranging from 46% to 51%. In those same surveys, Barretts support has remained in the range of 40% to 44%," Rasmussen noted.
Ninety-four percent (94%) of Republicans in Wisconsin support Walker. Barrett draws support from 81% of Democrats. But, among independent voters, Walker holds a double-digit lead.
Eighty-eight percent (88%) of Walkers voters say they’ve already made up their minds how they will vote next month, while 81% of Barretts supporters say the same.
Meanwhile, the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinels PolitiFact web page monitoring campaigns and elections came to the conclusion earlier this week that Tom Barrett is misleading voters about Walker’s position on stem cell research.
"Of course, we already knew that. But we’re glad that the Journal-Sentinel, hardly a bastion of support for Walker, exercised some intellectual honestly and looked at the facts," says Sue Armacost of Wisconsin Right to Life.
PolitiFact said: Democrat Tom Barrett is running a TV ad claiming his opponent for governor, Republican Scott Walker would ban stem cell research in Wisconsin."
"In truth, Walker has repeatedly said he supports research involving adult stem cells, but opposes research involving embryonic stem cells. That is a critical distinction in the world of science – and of politics," the newspaper continued. "Barretts ad ignores it, presenting Walker as so extreme on the matter that he is against hope. We rate Barretts claim false.
Armacost responded saying that Barrett "supports the use of living human embryos for unethical medical experimentation."
"As distasteful as that is, it really is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Barretts complete disregard for the sanctity of human life," she said, referring to his pro-abortion position.
Related web sites:
Wisconsin Right to Life – https://www.wrtl.org
Video on Barrett – https://www.wrtl.org/barrett
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