Congressional Democrats’ Common Ground Abortion Legislation is a Pro-Life Fraud

National   |   Steven Ertelt   |   Jul 21, 2009   |   9:00AM   |   WASHINGTON, DC

Congressional Democrats’ Common Ground Abortion Legislation is a Pro-Life Fraud

by Deal Hudson
July 21, 2009 Note: Deal W. Hudson is the director of the Morley Institute for Church & Culture and, and is the former publisher and editor of CRISIS Magazine, a Catholic monthly. He is the author of six books and his articles and comments have been published in many newspapers and magazines.

The next sad chapter of the Obama "common ground/abortion reduction" charade is ready to be written.

This one will feature a fraudulent pro-life bill co-sponsored by a formerly pro-life Democratic congressman, Tim Ryan (D-OH), who, like a reed shaken by the wind, has been turned into an abortion supporter — like most of the other Catholic Democrats in the Congress.

Ryan voted for a budget including federally funded abortion in the District of Columbia and voted against an amendment offered by a fellow Democrat stripping the bill of its abortion funding.

Now Ryan is helping to relaunch a bill co-sponsored with the leading pro-abortion "Catholic" member of Congress, Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-CT), the "Reducing the Need for Abortions and Supporting Parents Act."

The last chapter featured President Obama misleading the Holy Father with his promise of a commitment to abortion reduction at the very moment his health-care package — with abortion coverage — was being considered in the Senate.

Planned Parenthood’s own estimate is that abortions will increase by 20% to 35% with federal funding, meaning the health-care package Obama failed to mention to the pope would increase abortions by 240,000 to 420,000.

For the Democrats and the White House to promote a health care bill that will cause the number of abortions to skyrocket, while whistling the common ground tune, is a tactical deception to appease Catholics, nothing less.

Even the DeLauro-Ryan bill is another way of funding Planned Parenthood, as Jack Smith, at the Catholic Key Blog, rightly warns us:

This Ryan-DeLauro bill is meant to derail any truly common ground approach to aid women in crisis pregnancies and their families. In its previous incarnations the bill is top heavy with hundreds of millions for Planned Parenthood and lite on actual support for women. Its unveiling this week will reveal whether it gives more to Planned Parenthood and abortion providers than before.

When the the Vatican newspaper praised Obama’s search for common ground on abortion, it let the genie out of the bottle in a big way.

Its editor, Gian Maria Vian, should be credited with not only providing Obama’s 2012 message to Catholics, as I suggested earlier, but the Catholic policy message for his first term.

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