Barack Obama Gets High Ratings Despite Wealth of Pro-Abortion Staff Members

National   |   Steven Ertelt   |   Dec 10, 2008   |   9:00AM   |   WASHINGTON, DC

Barack Obama Gets High Ratings Despite Wealth of Pro-Abortion Staff Members

by Steven Ertelt Editor
December 10
, 2008

Washington, DC ( — Barack Obama is drawing high ratings despite the fact that his main choices for key policy positions are strongly pro-abortion. The poll results coincide with today’s announcement that Obama is officially appointing pro-abortion former Sen. Tom Daschle as his Health and Human Services secretary.

A NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll finds Obama has a 67 percent to 16 percent positive/negative rating, which is higher than either Bill Clinton or George W. Bush had when they first became president.

Also, two out of three respondents say they are pleased with the appointments Obama has made thus far for his White House and high level staff.

Today, Obama held a press conference to name Daschle as the head of the federal health department, a position that would directly impact the abortion debate with its purview over abortion, the morning after pill and the dangerous abortion drug RU 486.

Daschle would also play an integral part in a health care reform debate and could work with Obama on creating a national health care program that includes abortion coverage.

Daschle has a long pro-abortion voting record as a member of Congress and was defeated by current pro-life Sen. John Thune in part because of it.

His record was so poor that the National Right to Life Committee gave him only a 27 percent pro-life voting record from 2003-2004, a 0 percent record in 2001-2002, an 11 percent record in 1999-2000, and a 20 percent record from 1997-1998.

Looking at other Obama appointees, his first personnel decision involved selecting pro-abortion Rep. Rahm Emanuel of Illinois as his chief of staff. Emanuel, like Obama, is close friends with embattled pro-abortion Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich, a Democrat who faces federal charges for trying to sell Obama’s Senate seat.

Obama has also selected pro-abortion Sen. Hillary Clinton to represent the United States abroad as the Secretary of State, which will likely result in the further promotion of abortion on an international scale. It could include working through the United Nations to make unlimited abortions an international right.

Obama also named Ellen Moran, the executive director of the pro-abortion group Emily’s List, as his White House communications director and former NARAL Legal Director Dawn Johnsen to his Justice Department Review Team.

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