California Proposition 4 for Parental Notice on Abortion Leads in Friday Poll
by Steven Ertelt Editor
November 2, 2008
Sacramento, CA ( — The latest survey of California voters finds a very narrow lead for Proposition 4, the measure that would require parental notification before a minor girl can have an abortion. The results of a Field Poll, released Friday, show a narrow 45-43 percentage point lead with 12 percent undecided.
The good news for backers of the measure is that the notification initiative leads among people who have already voted — giving them a last-minute chance to persuade the rest.
The survey finds the larger lead the parental rights measure enjoyed in earlier surveys has diminished as Election Day nears. The measure had an eight point lead in September and a nine point lead in July.
Last month, the Field Poll showed a 49-41 percent lead for Proposition 4 while 10 percent were undecided.
Voters backing the measure were asked to give a reason why they supported the proposal and 72 percent say they back parental rights or parental involvement for a minor’s abortion.
Another 11 percent said they support the measure because it will reduce abortions, 11 percent said pregnant teenagers are not mature enough to make abortion decisions, and 8 percent said it would help give teenagers other options apart from abortion.
For those opposing the measure, which is law in about half of the states across the country, 37 percent said abortion is a woman’s right that shouldn’t be violated.
Another 32 percent were worried about the risk in notifying parents, even though emergency clauses and notification of an adult relative are included. About 9 percent of California voters say government shouldn’t be involved in abortion, seven percent said the measure violates their pro-abortion views, and 5 percent erroneously think the government will be spending money on the measure and oppose it for that reason.
The parental notification measure receives the strongest support from backers of John McCain (69%), evangelical Christians (67%) and Republicans (65%).
Protestants (54%), Catholics (51%), voters who are undecided or support third party candidates for President (51%), inland county voters (50%), and seniors age 65 or older (50%) also support the measure.
Non-religious voters (62%), Obama supporters (58%), voters affiliated with non-Christian religions (54%), Democrats (56%), Asians (53%), and voters who are not evangelical Christians (51%) are most likely to oppose the measure.
Democrats oppose the measure by a 56-31 percent margin, Republicans support it 65-26 percent and independent voters are split 44-42 percent against it.
Men favor the abortion limit 48-43 percent while women oppose it 43-42 percent. Younger voters (18-34 and 35-49) support it along with people 65 or older while adults 50-64 oppose it.
Hispanic voters are more supportive, black and white voters are split, and Asians oppose it.
Related web sites:
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