Abortion Advocate Rudy Giuliani Weighs in on John McCain’s VP Selection

National   |   Steven Ertelt   |   Aug 20, 2008   |   9:00AM   |   WASHINGTON, DC

Abortion Advocate Rudy Giuliani Weighs in on John McCain’s VP Selection

by Steven Ertelt
LifeNews.com Editor
August 20
, 2008

Washington, DC (LifeNews.com) — Republican voters handily dismissed pro-abortion Republican presidential wannabe Rudy Giuliani during the Republican primary. As the winner of that race, John McCain, considers a potential running mate, Giuliani is weighing in saying it shouldn’t matter if the pick is pro-abortion.

During a conference call with reporters, the pro-abortion stalwart said it is a "matter of conscience" that McCain should not consider abortion when choosing a vice president.

Instead, as he failed to do during his primary campaign, he tried to persuade the overwhelming majority of Republican voters who are pro-life that they should be less concerned with abortion and just make sure the running mate is good on the economy and national security.

"Our main criteria would be a person that would allow us to sleep at night knowing he could immediately be president," he said, taking about how the vice president is a heartbeat away from occupying the Oval Office.

"It would see to me that the Republican Party is not, as far as I can tell, a one-issue party," Giuliani theorized. "I believe that the party will support Senator McCain’s choice."

Asked how his own pro-abortion views may be playing a role in his comments, the former New York City mayor demurred saying, any presidential candidate is likely to pick someone who would "be able to handle" whatever "could happen in the age we live in."

On Tuesday, McCain aides and GOP operatives appeared to rule out any possibility of McCain picking a pro-abortion running mate. They said the McCain camp put out feelers to see what the reaction would be and hear from the grassroots that a pro-abortion vice president is a non-option. https://www.lifenews.com/nat4156.html

The party activists made it appear McCain had ruled out pro-abortion former Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Ridge.
On Wednesday, the Republican Party announced independent Sen. Joe Lieberman would be one of the speakers at the Republican convention — making it appear his name has been removed from the short list as well.


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