Speakers at Democratic Convention Pro-Abortion, Give Insight on Running Mate

National   |   Steven Ertelt   |   Aug 17, 2008   |   9:00AM   |   WASHINGTON, DC

Speakers at Democratic Convention Pro-Abortion, Give Insight on Obama VP Pick

by Steven Ertelt
LifeNews.com Editor
August 17
, 2008

Washington, DC (LifeNews.com) — The Democratic Party has released the list of featured speakers for each night of the national convention coming up in Denver at the end of the month. The list is a who’s who of the abortion advocates within the party and it also provides some insight on who will probably not become Barack Obama’s running mate.

Monday night’s prime time speaker is Michelle Obama, the wife of the pro-abortion presidential candidate who herself came under fire for defending his position against a ban on partial-birth abortions.

The night will feature a tribute to pro-abortion Sen. Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts, the man whose name has become a swear words of sorts for comparing candidates and underscoring their pro-abortion or left-wing views.

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi will also be featured on Monday night and she, too, has become a frequent topic of advertisements about what’s wrong with abortion advocates.

Hillary Clinton headlines the second night of the convention and the way pro-life advocates have held up her abortion extremism and that of her husband, former president Bill Clinton, is the stuff of legend.

The second night will feature a group of pro-abortion governors. They include Janet Napolitano of Arizona, who has repeatedly been criticized for vetoing common sense abortion limits; and Kathleen Sebelius of Kansas, who has been politically in bed with late-term abortion practitioner George Tiller for so long that her own Catholic bishop told her not to present herself for communion.

Obama’s vice-presidential running mate will headline the Wednesday night session of the Democratic convention along with Bill Clinton and other abortion advocates such as Governor Bill Richardson and Senators Evan Bayh, Joe Biden, Jay Rockefeller and Ken Salazar.

The list of speakers includes several mentioned a possible running mates for Obama, yet their inclusion on the official list from the Democratic Party makes it appear they will not be selected as his running mate.

Unless this schedule is a classic case of misdirection — with one of the senators appearing Wednesday night as the potential running made — a name not appearing on the list could likely wind up as Obama’s vice presidential pick.

Those names include pro-abortion Virginia Gov. Tim Kaine, and dark horse pick Senator Chuck Hagel, a pro-life Republican.

Other possible picks not on the list of official convention speakers include Virginia Sen. James Webb, former Iowa Gov. Tom Vilsack, former Oklahoma Sen. David Boren, and former Defense Secretary William Cohen.


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