Former Abortion Business Director Talks With United Methodist Convention-Goers

National   |   Steven Ertelt   |   Apr 29, 2008   |   9:00AM   |   WASHINGTON, DC

Former Abortion Business Director Talks With United Methodist Convention-Goers

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by Steven Ertelt Editor
April 29
, 2008

Ft. Worth, TX ( — Former abortion business director Carol Everett spoke with delegates to the United Methodist Church’s national convention during a luncheon. The pro-life Methodist group Lifewatch sponsored the event in order to bring the pro-life message to conference participants, many of whom back abortion.

Everett gave an insider’s perspective to the convention-goers saying she ran an abortion center in Dallas. but converted to the pro-life position many years ago and has since been a leader in helping women with crisis pregnancies.

She described her job as one of talking teenagers and young women into having abortions they may not otherwise have had without her persuasion.

"I sold abortions," Everett confessed, according to a report from the Methodist Church’s news service.

"When we opened, we did 45 abortions the first month. The last month (we were open), we did 545 abortions," Everett said.

Money was an incentive and Everett said she made $25 for every abortion she sold for the abortion facility.

Everett had an abortion of her third baby in order to save her failing marriage. She ultimately named the baby Heidi and founded the Heidi Group in 1995 after she left the abortion industry.

She now also reaches out to other women injured by abortion and blinded by the temporarily solution that ultimately almost never fixes the problems in a relationship.

"We are an injured nation, for many of us are unwilling to admit or deal with our pain," she says of the millions of women who have had abortions and still not found hope and healing.

According to the UM news report, Everett told luncheon attendees they should talk less and listen more and focus on changing hearts rather than minds.

"I have never changed a mind by debate," she said.

The luncheon was the first of its kind for Lifewatch, previously known as the Taskforce of United Methodists on Abortion and Sexuality.

The group is hoping to get the church leadership to approve resolutions revoking its membership in the pro-abortion Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice.