Georgia, Idaho See New Pro-Life Laws to Cut Abortions Take Effect

State   |   Steven Ertelt   |   Jul 3, 2007   |   9:00AM   |   WASHINGTON, DC

Georgia, Idaho See New Pro-Life Laws to Cut Abortions Take Effect Email this article
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by Steven Ertelt Editor
July 3
, 2007

Atlanta, GA ( — The states of Georgia and Idaho have new pro-life laws intended to reduce abortions taking effect. In Georgia, women seeking abortions will now get a booklet of information about its dangers and alternatives and Idaho parents will now be able to have more input in the lives of their daughters.

Georgia is the latest state to adopt a Women’s Right to Know law that gives women information they don’t normally get at an abortion business.

They will not get a brochure detailing fetal development as well as information about the risks that accompany abortion. The booklet will also contain a list of the pregnancy centers across the state that provide alternatives and pregnancy help.

Women will be protected from abortion practitioners who want to leave them in the dark by being allowed to sign a consent form indicating they were given a chance to have a copy of the information.

The new Georgia law takes effect today and abortion businesses must begin complying with it.

In Idaho, more than 360 new laws took effect on Sunday, including one helping parents.

The new provision there requires parental consent before an abortion can be done on a minor teenager. That gives parents the right and ability to refuse to allow their daughters to have an abortion.

Both laws are patterned after statutes in other states that have proven effective in reducing the number of abortions.