President Bush Would Likely Veto Fake Human Cloning Ban If Passed

Bioethics   |   Steven Ertelt   |   Jun 6, 2007   |   9:00AM   |   WASHINGTON, DC

President Bush Would Likely Veto Fake Human Cloning Ban If Passed Email this article
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by Steven Ertelt Editor
June 6
, 2007

Washington, DC ( — Members of the House of Representatives are debating a human cloning ban today that doesn’t really ban human cloning. The measure prohibits the practice for reproductive purposes but allows human cloning to create embryos for the sole purpose of their destruction and President Bush would likely veto the bill.

The Bush administration today released a statement to Congress of what the White House policy would likely be on the legislation.

"The President unequivocally opposes all forms of human cloning," it said.

"The Administration is strongly opposed to any legislation that would prohibit human cloning for reproductive purposes but permit the creation of cloned embryos or development of human embryo farms for research, which would require the destruction of nascent human life," the statement added.

The White House indicated that President Bush’s top advisors would recommend to him that the bill would be vetoed should the House and Senate approve the measure and send it to him for his consideration.

"If legislation were presented to the President that permitted human embryos to be created, developed, and destroyed simply for research purposes, his senior advisors would recommend that he veto the bill," it concluded.

The president has taken a consistent position against any form of human cloning over the years and has called for a complete ban on the grisly practice.

"We must not create life to destroy life. Human beings are not research material to be used in a cruel and reckless experiment," he said in January 2003.

And the new White House statement follows the same lines as a previous one in February 2003 which said the president "unequivocally is opposed to the cloning of human beings either for reproduction or for research.”

Polls show that a bipartisan majority of Americans strongly agree with the president.

A Gallup poll released this week showed that human cloning continues to draw strong opposition with 86 percent finding it morally wrong and 11 percent saying it’s alright.

And a poll of over 4000 Americans, conducted in 2004 by the Genetics and Public Policy Institute at Johns Hopkins University found that over 75% of those polled when asked: "Do you think human embryo cloning for research should be allowed at all?" said no.

That included 72.5 percent of Democrats saying they oppose it.