College Pro-Life Group Plans Walk Across Canada in Summer 2007

National   |   Steven Ertelt   |   Feb 3, 2007   |   9:00AM   |   WASHINGTON, DC

College Pro-Life Group Plans Walk Across Canada in Summer 2007

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by Steven Ertelt Editor
February 3
, 2007

Washington, DC ( — A college pro-life group that encourages students to walk across the country with the pro-life message says it’s putting together a similar walk across Canada this summer. Crossroads had three walks across the country last year and the Canadian walk would have four groups taking the pro-life message city by city.

Like its American walks, the Canadian trip would be made up of volunteer students from colleges and universities across Canada and would coincide with the American ones.

“A Canadian walk is something that has been frequently proposed by pro-life students from Canada,” Jim Nolan, Crossroads’ president told in a statement.

“Due to the extraordinary success of our American walks since 1995, and the high volume of volunteer students we have signed up for this summer, it’s beginning to look as though this will be the year a Canadian walk will be possible, provided that we have a sufficient number of Canadian volunteers," he explained.

Since 1995, Crossroads walkers have spoken to over two million Americans at churches alone, and countless millions through local and national media and speaking engagements.

Walking a combined 10,000 miles through 35 states and thousands of towns and cities, the volunteers on Crossroads take the term “grassroots” to a new level.

“The tentative plan would consist of a walk originating in British Columbia and concluding in Quebec. Thirty-two hundred miles,” Nolan, who has participated in the three walks, said.

“We are looking into any potential legal issues that might arise pertaining to the walks, especially with the right to freedom of speech, but we don’t anticipate any problems," he added.

Crossroads currently sponsors three simultaneous pro-life walks across America each summer, beginning in Seattle, San Francisco, and San Diego, and concluding together in Washington, D.C.

The group also sponsors Spring Break walks up the Florida coast, and recently conducted a walk across Europe to World Youth Day in Cologne, Germany, in 2005.

Related web sites:
Crossroads –