Wisconsin Senate Will Hold Hearing on Pro-Life Conscience Clause Email this article
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by Steven Ertelt
LifeNews.com Editor
September 14, 2005
Madison, WI (LifeNews.com) — The Wisconsin state Senate on Thursday will hold a hearing on AB 207, a measure that would protect pro-life medical professionals and others who do not want to be involved in concerning practices such as abortion, assisted suicide or embryonic stem cell research.
Susan Armacost, legislative director of Wisconsin Right to Life, which is promoting the bill, said her group expects the state Senate to take a thorough look at the bill.
"The underlying principle embodied in AB 207 is that health care professionals, medical students, health care facilities and medical schools should not be forced to participate in activities that involve the deliberate destruction of human life," she said.
"Those individuals who are involved in Wisconsin’s health care community should have the right to refuse to deliberately destroy a human life in the ways outlined in the bill, even when it is legal to destroy that life," Armacost added.
Armacost said that a number of physicians, nurses, and medical students will be testifying in support of AB 207 at tomorrow’s hearing.
Abortion advocates are among those opposing the bill and they have said it would infringe on the so-called right to abortion and affect the ability of women to get contraception or the morning after pill. However, the legislation does not apply to contraception.
The legislation is authored by Rep. Jean Hundertmark (R-Clintonville) and Sen. Carol Roessler (R-Oshkosh).
Related web sites:
Wisconsin Right to Life – https://www.wrtl.org