Rap Artist Nick Cannon Tells of His Near Abortion Death in Video Email this article
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by Maria Vitale Gallagher
LifeNews.com Staff Writer
June 28, 2005
New York, NY (LifeNews.com) — His lyrics tell the story of his life — before he was even born.
"I will always be a part of you/Trust your soul know his heart is true/If I could talk I would say to you/Can I live? Can I live?"
The words come courtesy of rapper Nick Cannon, whose new music video shows how his mother wanted to abort him, but then chose life.
"Just wait — just pause for a second. Let me plead my case. It’s the late ‘70s huh … You seventeen huh … And having me that will ruin everything huh…"
The video depicts his mother as a teenager, lying in an abortion facility, as Nick’s spirit pleads for her not take his life, saying, “That’s life inside you, look at your tummy … What is becoming Ma, I am Oprah bound … You can tell he’s a star from the Ultrasound."
The video has been receiving airtime on the Black Entertainment Television cable channel and pro-life activists are hoping the video will also receive a good amount of airtime on MTV.
“It is our hope that MTV and radio stations will not ban or prevent the playing of ‘Can I Live?’ because of their political views on abortion," said Brandi Swindell of the youth pro-life group GenLife.
"This video represents the emerging passion in this generation speaking out on the issue of abortion. This is the first wave of a post Roe v. Wade generation telling their side of the story. 30 years ago the proponents of decriminalized abortion forgot to factor in that in time they would have to deal with a generation that recognizes the pro-choice line falls short in that it denies an entire group of people the right to exist. No one knows what it’s like to be open prey in your mother’s womb unless you were born after 1973," Swindell added.
“Mommy, I don’t link this clinic/Hopefully you’ll make the right decision and don’t go through with the Knife Decision…"
In expressing his pro-life views, Cannon is echoing the thoughts of many of his generation. A 2003 Gallup poll indicated that U.S. teens are significantly more pro-life than adults. Seven in ten teenagers say that abortion is morally wrong.
“Hopping off da bus when the rain is pouring/What you want morning sickness or the sickness of mourning?"
Barbara Gough of Post Abortion Outreach for GenLife said, “As a post-abortive woman I can say that I fully support this video which accurately reflects the trauma a woman feels when considering abortion. I am so grateful for this video that shows the beauty and value of every pre-born child. I wish I would have seen a video like this before I had my abortion at the age of 17. My hope is that this truthful single will touch the hearts of many women faced with an unplanned pregnancy."
Meanwhile, syndicated columnist Kathryn Jean Lopez said, “‘Can I Live?’ speaks to something very fundamental (whether intentionally or not). Nick Cannon wanted to send a supportive word out to scared teen mothers, a grateful word to those ‘strong women’ who choose life. He didn’t have to start a ‘Rappers for Life.’ He didn’t have to be heavy-handed or compose a political rant. He’s just offering an honest story, as he does what he does. That’s how you send a message people will listen to.
“I love my mother for giving me life. We all need to appreciate life…A strong woman that had to make a sacrifice. Thanks for listening. Mama thanks for listening."
To see the music video for “Can I Live?" go to https://www.nickcannonmusic.com/index_main.html