Actress Caron Strong Helps Lead Post-Abortion Outreach Group

National   |   Steven Ertelt   |   Jun 6, 2005   |   9:00AM   |   WASHINGTON, DC

Actress Caron Strong Helps Lead Post-Abortion Outreach Group Email this article
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by Matt Abbott
June 6, 2005 Note: Matt C. Abbott is the former executive director of the Illinois Right to Life Committee and the former director of public affairs for the Chicago-based Pro-Life Action League. He is a Catholic journalist and commentator. Caron Strong has appeared in such movies as Candyman and The Rookie and television shows such as "JAG" and "Days of Our Lives."

Caron Strong is a former actress who has appeared on TV and in film. She’s the mother of a young daughter, Cayla, her pride and joy.

Caron recently became the national director of mobilization for Operation Outcry: Silent No More, an organization “working to overturn Roe v. Wade in light of new evidence of the physical, emotional, and psychological damage to women who have experienced abortion and new scientific evidence regarding the undeniable humanity of the child at the time of conception."

She knows first hand the horror of abortion. She’s been through it more than once, and she doesn’t want women to needlessly suffer like she has.

“Operation Outcry addresses the women’s rights aspect of the pro-abortion dogma and contrasts their ideas with our actual experiences," says Caron. “We are women who know first hand the remorse, guilt, pain and shame of abortion.

“We are women who have attempted suicides, lived out lies and buried our nails into our carpets trying not to wake the neighbors with our grief-stricken cries. We are women who have received forgiveness and healing in Jesus Christ. And now we are women speaking the truth that abortion ‘rights’ advocates do not want to hear, namely, that abortion hurts women.
“Coming to grips with the fact that I took the lives of four of my very own children could have been the end of me. I thank God Almighty for pulling me through."

Caron has this to say about the significance of Operation Outcry as it relates to the pro-life movement:

“We cannot save the baby if we do not care for the mother. We are to ‘love one another deeply from the heart.’ In a number of ways, women can view the abortion mill as a place of safety rather than the horrific and life-altering truth of what it actually is. We are to love the woman considering abortion as well as the post-abortive woman. We are to love that woman even as she walks into the abortionist’s door.

“Long before Operation Outcry developed, many in the pro-life movement believed the real impact would be made when women who had abortions spoke out. The women of Operation Outcry are thus an answer to many prayers.

“As more women speak out, other women in the same situation will recognize the need for healing. And as they are healed, they will then feel empowered to take this tragic experience in their lives and turn it around to help other women. In doing so, they also will spare the lives of these women’s precious unborn children.

“It doesn’t end there. We are seeing men beginning to speak out, grandmothers, siblings — God is so good!"

Her last name says it all.