Texas Bishop: Catholic Scouts Can’t Associate With Planned Parenthood

State   |   Steven Ertelt   |   May 17, 2004   |   9:00AM   |   WASHINGTON, DC

Texas Bishop: Catholic Scouts Can’t Associate With Planned Parenthood

by Paul Nowak
LifeNews.com Staff Writer
May 17, 2004

Austin, TX (LifeNews.com) — Following decision of a Texas girl scout troop to drop it’s sponsorship of Planned Parenthood’s "Nobody’s Fool" sexual education conference for teens, one Catholic bishop scouts affiliated with the Catholic Church can’t have any ties to Planned Parenthood.

"Scouting troops associated with the diocesan entities will not support, encourage or in any way endorse the activities and programs of Planned Parenthood or any other organization espousing similar beliefs and practices," stated Bishop Gregory Aymond of the Diocese of Austin, in a letter to Catholic school principals and pastors in his diocese.

"Any scouting unit or troop not embracing the above directives shall not be permitted use of parish or school facilities … or indicate association with the Catholic Diocese of Austin. Whether or not we will be able to continue our association with Girl Scouts of America is still questionable," Aymond explained.

There are 25 to 30 troops that meet at Catholic schools or parishes in the diocese, and Bishop Aymond said he is further concerned about the Nobody’s Fool sex-education program, which gives no direction on right or wrong and has no Christian morals.

"We have a Catholic scouting program nationally and it would be a shame to lose that link," Bishop Aymond said, "but as Catholics we must stand for Catholic moral principles. I don’t see this as a resolved issue."

John Pisciotta of Pro-Life Waco, who originally called for the boycott of Girl Scout cookie sales, has recently been addressing the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Texas’ support of the state’s largest abortion provider and its programs.

"Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Texas is still holding to their collaboration with Planned Parenthood’s Nobody’s Fool conference," said Pisciotta, who has urged his group’s members to contact the organization.

Another Texas pro-life organization, the Brazos Valley Coalition for Life, has been drawing attention to other organizations aiding Planned Parenthood.

David Bereit, the group’s executive director, said that 11 of the groups they identified pledged to cancel their support of Planned Parenthood, representing over $20,000 in lost revenue. The groups canceled either because they were unaware of the full scope of Planned Parenthood’s business, or wanted to steer clear of the controversy.

As promised by the Coalition, those groups that ended their relationship with Planned Parenthood have not been released to the public.

The names and contact information for groups that refused to sever their ties with the abortion business, even after being contacted by the Coalition for Life, have been made available through the Coalition’s website.

At the time of this writing that list included Hilton Hotels in College Station, The Houston Chronicle, J.P. Morgan Chase & Co., LaSalle Hotel, Pfizer, and Northern Trust Bank, the City of Houston, and the National Council of Jewish Women.

"What’s truly unfortunate is that businesses and foundations provided millions of dollars of support to Planned Parenthood of Houston and Southeast Texas to enable the organization to terminate 6,876 children in the past year," said Bereit, who added that the Coalition hopes to present 10,000 electronic signatures to each of the organizations that still refuse to stop funding Planned Parenthood.

Related Sites:
Pro-Life Waco – https://www.prolifewaco.org
Cut Planned Parenthood Funding – https://www.cutppfunding.com
Brazos Valley Coalition for Life – https://www.coalitionforlife.com