Activist Says Her Baby Had to Die in an Abortion “to Help Me Build the Life I Want”

Opinion   |   Micaiah Bilger   |   Sep 15, 2016   |   11:58AM   |   Washington, DC

Abortion activists have been desperately attempting to normalize abortion through storytelling.

Whether they are succeeding is difficult to tell. While their stories attempt to make abortions seem good for women, many of them unintentionally contradict their own narrative and reveal intense pain and suffering.

Britt Payne, a 38-year-old from Dallas, Texas, tells one such story. She is part of a group of people planning to tell their stories at a pro-abortion event later this month in Texas, according to The Dallas Morning News.

The point of the storytelling event, “Out From Under the Rug: True Life Tales of Abortion,” is to get rid of the stigma and shame surrounding abortion, producer Nichole Stewart (pictured) said. Stewart said she had an abortion in 2013 after doctors detected life-threatening brain abnormalities in her unborn son during her 20-week ultrasound appointment.

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“We are not going to change the laws until we change the idea that abortion is a women’s issue,” Stewart told the newspaper. “All we need to agree on is that a woman is not a full citizen of this country until she has full control over her own body.”

Payne said she decided to participate in Stewart’s event because she wants to help “get rid of the stigma” about abortion.

But her abortion story is a painful one.

In 2009, she aborted her unborn child – a child who she very much wanted – after her boyfriend became “irate” at the news of her pregnancy. Payne said she had “really hoped for” a baby, but her boyfriend’s angry reaction, followed by him dumping her, led her to the decision to abort her unborn child.

“Payne, who said she felt lost and broken, had an abortion. But, she said, she cherishes the little spirit’ that was with her,” according to the report.

Payne reflected, “That was that spirit’s purpose — to help me and set me on a path of building the life that I want, as a woman and as a person, to help me know my worth and my value.”

Her story is the opposite of the female empowerment message that abortion activists try to send. Payne wanted to be a mother and was a mother, but her neglectful boyfriend and the abortion industry’s messaging convinced her that she should give up her dream and her baby. They encouraged her to believe that she was not strong enough or capable enough to be a parent, that it would be too difficult for her.

What Payne deserved was support for herself and her child. The abortion industry didn’t give it to her; instead, it took her money and killed her baby. Payne tried to justify her abortion, saying it allowed her to move on with her life, but there is something clearly dissonant about a story where a wanted baby is killed.

It’s true that every unborn baby, whether they are wanted or not, is a valuable human being who deserves a right to life. However, stories like Payne’s indicate how often our society pushes abortion on women – even those who want to be mothers.
