Woman Brags About Killing Her Baby: “Why I’m Done Shutting Up About My Abortion”

Opinion   |   Micaiah Bilger   |   Apr 29, 2016   |   7:27PM   |   Washington, DC

Emily Krempholtz’s abortion story is more of an angry, bitter rant against pro-lifers than it is about her pregnancy and abortion experience.

Krempholtz wrote a column for Bustle this week with the headline, “Why I’m Done Shutting Up about My Abortion.” She said she had an abortion last summer not long before the first Center for Medical Progress video was released, showing Planned Parenthood officials talking about selling aborted babies’ body parts.

When she got pregnant, she said she was on birth control, and her life was “in a rough place.” She decided to abort her unborn child without telling her baby’s father, her friends or her mom. Afterward, Krempholtz said she watched as women began telling their abortion stories in reaction to the Planned Parenthood scandal. Many claimed that aborting their unborn babies helped them succeed in life. Krempholtz said she also wrote about abortion numerous times, but she was afraid to publish her story.

Lashing out, she repeatedly blamed the “hatefulness of the anti-choice agenda” for her fears:

And just to be clear, not once — from the second I wondered where my period was, to this very minute as I write these words — have I regretted my decision to terminate that pregnancy. There was never a question in my mind whether I was making the right choice for me, and I will forever stand by that. I have no reason or desire to defend my decision to anyone.

So why have I been so afraid to talk about it?

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I don’t regret my abortion, but I do regret that I, a woman who usually has no trouble speaking her mind, and certainly no trouble publicly defending the pro-choice movement, am so afraid to speak of my own experience. I regret that I have allowed society and the hatefulness of the anti-abortion agenda to dictate my actions and hinder my ability to write, to share, to speak my story.

… I felt unsafe in my own private world, and I felt that speaking out would incite a barrage of judgment, even in my personal community of liberal, forward-thinking women. Because it’s not just anti-choice proponents who stigmatize abortion; I believe that one of the biggest problems with the pro-choice movement is not in its support of a woman’s right to choose, but in its lack of support for the women who do choose to terminate a pregnancy.

In her column, Krempholtz said her life is better after her abortion. She said she is dating someone who loves and appreciates her, and she has a new, more fulfilling job. But the bitterness and anger that lash out through her column seem to indicate that underneath, she is in pain.

Her column blames the pro-life movement for her bitterness, and it would be easy for pro-lifers to respond back at her with mutual feelings for killing her innocent unborn child. What she did was wrong, certainly, but reacting in anger to her story seems like it would only perpetuate those negative emotions. Krempholtz clearly wants what every human being wants: to be loved and supported. Her column hints that she did not find that support, either with pro-lifers or the abortion industry; and she is hurting because of it.

Her story is a pitiable reminder of the general lack of support in our society today for women and their babies. But Krempholtz misplaces the blame. Pro-lifers argue that the abortion industry is the true culprit because it belittles women, claiming they need to abort their babies to be successful and equal to men. It treats pregnancy as if it was a disease. The abortion industry sells abortion as a quick fix, and it’s become an excuse for society to not truly offer women and their children the support that they deserve.

Pro-lifers are working to change that, by offering women and babies compassionate, caring support, and encouraging women that they are strong and can be a good mother and still achieve their dreams. But Krempholtz’s story should serve as a reminder that there still is a lot of work to be done. The pro-life movement needs to keep striving to counter the hateful stereotypes by reaching out to pregnant and parenting women and their children with love and support, and embodying the message that every life is valuable.
