Pro-Abortion Congresswoman Scheduled to Speak at Catholic Retreat House

National   |   Emily Derois   |   Apr 18, 2016   |   7:00PM   |   Washington, DC

U.S. Rep. Jackie Speier is known for her strong political involvement with the abortion movement. Yet despite her unabashed support of the industry, the California congresswoman will speak at the Burlingame Mercy Center, a Catholic conference center, on Saturday, April 23 on the topic “Living Mercy in Public Life,” according to the California Catholic Daily.

Speier will be speaking about mercy in public life, yet her record reveals her refusal to defend unborn life, as required in Catholic teaching. She consistently votes against pro-life bills. The extent of her extreme abortion stance was revealed when, in 2015, she voted against the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. According to National Right to Life, “[this law] would enact an explicit requirement that a baby born alive during an abortion must be afforded the same degree of care that would apply to any other child born alive at the same gestational age, including transportation to a hospital.”

The congresswoman also showed her support of the abortion industry when she defended Planned Parenthood in the midst of their recent video scandal. The Los Angeles Times reported Speier speaking in defense of the nation’s largest abortion business: “I appreciate Planned Parenthood and all they do for women, and it’s time to stop demonizing them. They are a phenomenal nonprofit providing great service.”

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Speier is decidedly pro-abortion, yet the Mercy Center invited her to speak as a Mercy High alumna and a fellow Catholic. Speier herself insists that her faith is a driving force in her political decisions. On her website, Congresswoman Jackie Speier, she spoke of the influence her faith has on her, “My faith runs deep and I have never wavered in my commitment to Catholicism even when I haven’t agreed with a specific Pope.”

While Speier identifies as Catholic, her political actions are decidedly pro-abortion, and they jeopardize unborn lives. Her drastic stance on the life issue is directly in opposition with the Catholic Church and the pro-life movement.

ACTION: Contact the Mercy Center to complain at 650-340-7474. To contact the Catholic Archdiocese of San Francisco, call at 415-614-5500.
