On International Women’s Day, End Forced Abortion in China and Call Off the Womb Police

Opinion   |   Reggie Littlejohn   |   Mar 8, 2016   |   11:24AM   |   Beijing, China

Human rights abuses in China, including violence against women such as forced abortions and forced sterilizations, are the worst on record as of 2015, according to a recent Congressional report.

The Congressional-Executive Commission on China (CECC) said in its 2015 Annual Report that the broad-ranging crackdown on human rights under Chinese Communist Party General Secretary Xi Jinping is the broadest in scope since the CECC began issuing the reports in 2002.

The CECC highlighted that China’s coercive population control policy, now known as the Two Child Policy, continued to employ torture methods such as forced abortion and sterilization despite widespread public complaint.

Many provincial laws, the report noted, explicitly instruct officials to implement abortions for ‘out-of-plan’ pregnancies, with no requirement for consent.

Forced Abortion and involuntary sterilization continue under China’s new Two-Child Policy.  Unmarried women and third children continue to be forcibly aborted.  Women are still routinely sterilized after their second child.  On International Women’s Day, we call upon the Chinese government to call off the womb police and immediately to abandon all coercive population control.



As I testified to Congress in December, our network in China revealed hidden tragedies of the policy, including the permanent disability due to brutal forced sterilizations of rural Chinese women, who were left without the strength to draw well water for their family.

The CECC report highlighted the apparent anti-woman habits of Communist authorities, who the report said detained five women and “held them in abusive conditions for more than five weeks” because they had planned to distribute brochures against sexual harassment.

In addition, one NGO reported recently that the ‘‘great majority’’ of detainees held in extralegal ‘‘black jails’’ were female, the report said, and at great risk of physical and sexual violence.

Trafficking of women and girls for forced marriage and sexual exploitation is part of an increasing trend in China, the report said, a problem linked to the country’s shortage of women after decades of birth limits coupled with a traditional son preference.   There are currently approximately 37 million more men living in China than women, due to sex-selective abortion.

CECC leaders said China’s switch to a Two Child Policy this year was a mere distraction from the reality of the “deadliest and most hated” policy of forced population control, and called on President Obama and world leaders to insist that China abolish the practice completely.

“Families that want a third child will still face the pressure to abort their child or pay exorbitant fines,” said CECC Chair Rep. Chris Smith regarding the Two Child Policy, which began officially on January 1.

“The sad reality is that this policy change will have little effect on … the human trafficking problems caused by China’s massive sex-ratio imbalance. ”

“For over three decades, China’s barbaric One-Child Policy has condemned approximately 37 million Chinese girls—who the policy deemed as unwanted or ‘surplus’—to abortion, infanticide, abandonment, and human trafficking,” said Senator Marco Rubio, CECC Cochair. “A two-child policy is as indefensible and inhumane as a one-child policy.”

LifeNews.com Note: Reggie Littlejohn is the Founder and President of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers.

Related Links:

CECC 2015 Annual Report https://www.cecc.gov/sites/chinacommission.house.gov/files/2015%20Annual%20Report.pdf

Testimony of Reggie Littlejohn, President, Women’s Rights Without Frontiers, December 3, 2015, Congressional-Executive Commission on China https://www.womensrightswithoutfrontiers.org/blog/?p=2130

Watch Stop Forced Abortion – China’s War on Women! Video (4 mins) https://www.womensrightswithoutfrontiers.org/?nav=stop-forced-abortion

Sign our petition to end forced abortion here: https://womensrightswithoutfrontiers.org/index.php?nav=sign_our_petition
