Abortion Training Manual Tells Abortion Docs to Never Ever Use This Word to Refer to an Unborn Child

National   |   Micaiah Bilger   |   Jan 4, 2016   |   8:24PM   |   Washington, DC

Call it a “fetus” or a “pregnancy” but never a “baby” is the advice one training manual gives to abortion doctors-in-training.

Live Action writer Carole Novielli recently highlighted these instructions for abortion staffers from The Early Abortion Training Workbook published by Advancing New Standards in Reproductive Health.

The manual advises abortion staffers to avoid the term “baby” even if the pregnant woman uses it. If a woman mentions her “baby,” the manual tells abortion staffers to respond with terms such as “pregnancy tissue,” “pregnancy” or “fetus.”

Major abortion groups have adopted the manipulative language, including the National Abortion Federation, Planned Parenthood, the Feminist Women’s Health Center, the Philadelphia Women’s Center, the Houston Women’s abortion clinic and many others, Novielli wrote.

It comes as no surprise that the term “baby” is treated like a four-letter word in the abortion industry. Evidence suggests that when women are presented with information and images about the humanity of their unborn child, they are more likely to reject abortion.

A 2015 survey conducted by the National Institute of Family and Life Advocates, a national legal network of pro-life pregnancy centers, found that 78 percent of abortion-vulnerable women who saw an ultrasound image of their unborn child chose life.

Many states also have informed consent laws that require that abortion facilities provide women with information about the abortion procedure, their unborn child, and pregnancy and parenting resources prior to having an abortion.



Novielli discovered another way the manual advises abortion workers to manipulate women into having abortions:

… they have developed clever marketing skills that not only bring the girls in for the abortions, but also facilitate the “closure of the sale.” This is illustrated well in the ANSIRH training manual below which instructs abortion providers how to respond to an ambivalent patient:

In deciding how to proceed,” the training manual states, “it is appropriate to trust your own instincts. Some patients, who may be having difficulty accepting responsibility for their decision, recant in an effort to make the provider or agency ‘responsible.’ In such a case, the provider must ask for a clear statement of the patient’s intent before proceeding. For example:

I’m not sure if you are ready to go on with the procedure today. If you aren’t sure, we can postpone until you are more sure. Do you need some more time?”

Then, the all-knowing abortion provider is very much aware that the woman, who is agonizing over her decision will opt to go through the abortion. In fact, the training manual tells providers, “For many women, this last moment is what they need; when faced with the possibility of NOT going forward, the other option is less appealing and they know they want to proceed,” they write.

Former abortion clinic owner Carol Everett exposed similar deceptive abortion practices after she quit her work and became pro-life. Everett said selling abortions to make money was their goal.

She said her counselors would “seduce” desperate young women into “a friendship” to recommend abortion. To protect the abortion clinic from liability, Everett said they gave women “a 6- to 12-page form … written to confuse the girl to death” with “words two inches long that no one could possibly understand.”

The practices Novielli pointed out from the abortion training manual expose the profit-driven nature of the entire abortion industry. Though the industry paints itself as a kind, caring “abortion provider,” Novielli wrote that abortion facilities work by selling abortions to vulnerable women in their most difficult time of need.
