The Multiple Personality Disorder of “Pro-Choice” Activism Part 2

Opinion   |   Ryan Bomberger   |   Jul 26, 2013   |   1:22PM   |   Washington, DC

Searing outrage. That was the response, last week, when I dared to challenge liberal feminists and the “I AM TRAYVON” crowd about their silence in the deliberate death of Tonya Reaves.

He#FEM2 #PROCHOICE responses to @LifeHasPurpose over #JUSTICE4TONYAr family filed a Wrongful Death Lawsuit against Planned Parenthood and the abortionist for allowing their daughter to bleed to death for over 5 hours and never calling 911. As a part of the “JUSTICE4TONYA” tweetfest, I posted an image of Tonya Reaves calling out the hypocrisy of media-hyped racial rage: “She wasn’t wearing a hoodie, but was killed in the ‘hood…Planned Parenthood.”

There’s nothing quite like a little bit of truth inciting a lot of angry propaganda.

Even pro-abortion activist Robin Marty chimed in, although none of them offered any defense of their lack of outrage over Tonya’s death. Instead, as is typical of “pro-choice” activists, The Radiance Foundation’s Twitter feed (@LifeHasPurpose) was flooded with venom, obscenities, absurd charges of racism and white patriarchy (I’m a “white black”), and suggestions on how to kill myself.

The pro-abortion crowd will use any fringe example to promote abortion. During the recent Texas Senate’s 20-week abortion ban (HB2) debate and passage, pro-abortion lawmaker Kirk Watson actually used the horrific example of kidnapper and rapist Ariel Castro to bolster the “need” for abortions after 5 months of pregnancy. Because women are daily faced with the reality of being kidnapped and raped by some deranged lunatic. But, of course, this isn’t a stretch for pro-abortion lawmakers.

TooManyAborted-MPD-60603-TrayvonTonya Reaves’ death, at the hands of a late-term abortionist (Mandy Gittler) who failed to provide her “quality” medical treatment after a botched abortion is a real outrage. And these deaths happen far more often than Castro-like scenarios (nearly 350 times, at least among those recorded, since Roe). Tonya’s ignored death, however, proves that liberal feminism has no interest in defending women’s lives. It will bitterly cling to its “gun-control” and abortion religion regardless of the harm or evidence. Let emotion rule. Let chaos rule. Confusion is better than clarity.



And that confusion was spewing like a broken dike, flooding our Twitter feed with remarks like: “You motherf#@&%*$ need to nosedive into a pool of battery acid.” Or, the response from an obviously compassionate #fem2 activist: “She had an abortion. Possibly dying is the risk you take when you have an abortion OR give birth. Good day.” This response inspired our “Pro-Choice Activism Multiple Personality Disorder #60603” meme.

Planned Parenthood’s tweet, after the Zimmerman verdict was delivered, further amplified this confusing multiplicity. The Planned Parenthood Tweet about Trayvon Casenation’s largest abortion chain, responsible for millions and millions of deaths through the unjust, barbaric act of abortion, tweeted: “In the wake of the tragic Trayvon Martin Case, Dr. King’s words ring especially true…Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”

Yes. So true. Now if only everyday Americans could see the undeniable duplicity of “pro-choice” activism and the violent injustice of abortion it so vehemently defends.