Reading, Writing and Abortion? Planned Parenthood Invades Schools

Opinion   |   Ellie Saul   |   Sep 28, 2012   |   3:02PM   |   Washington, DC

On an average sweet high school day, somewhere between homeroom and geometry, your daughter can visit Planned Parenthood in the same building. Your son can walk his girlfriend to her locker and then to pick up some abortifacient birth control pills or get a quick shot in the arm that will sort of protect her from maybe getting pregnant. If it should fail, and it likely will, she can take the morning after pill, you know have a quick little abortion at school without your permission! In at least one state, she doesn’t even need permission to be permanently, irreversibly sterilized.

This is not as hypothetical as you would like to believe about your small town or your children. Did you know that your teenager can use the cell phone you pay for to text sex questions and get advice from Planned Parenthood? Can they text you? Do they have an alternative?

If they are not in the actual public high school building yet, Planned Parenthood also provides deceiving, doctrinal, sexual education curriculum that they can come teach at your high school. This ensures every scared thirteen year old has all of their contact information in case of “contraceptive emergency.” They have been doing this for twenty five years.

Sadly, many still argue that it’s better for young mothers in high school to abort instead of having the children they conceive. Schools across the nation agree with this argument and reinforce this belief by providing birth control, skewed sexual education and even abortion. From coast to coast, public high schools promote sexual activity and promiscuity with the false “security” of abortifacient birth control and chemical abortion if all else fails.

I do not claim to know all the answers, but I think I know one thing that might help. Parents, pastors, youth leaders: talk about sex with your youth. Talk about purity. I assure you Planned Parenthood is not afraid to tell your kids what to do if the birth control they provide fails. We should not neglect this subject no matter how difficult it seems. We have to tell them what sex produces. We need to be the voice shouting that life begins at conception, because if we are silent and all they ever hear is that it is tissue, they will believe it. Faith still comes by hearing. I want the youth I influence to hear more about purity and saving sex for marriage from me, than how to practice pre-marital “safe sex” from Planned Parenthood.

I think it is easy to assume that someone else has already talked to them, so we are quiet. Then they get their information and build their belief around an evil empire that spawned from the desire to “exterminate human weeds,” Planned Parenthood.

In Bible times no one was left out of the conversation because it was a part if the culture. At weddings, the newlyweds went into a tent to have sex for the first time and they would bring out a sheet to prove that the bride was a virgin as part of the wedding feast. The words virgin and unmarried woman are even used synonymously. That does not have to be more far fetched than getting an abortion at a public high school.

I understand that the blood on wedding sheets seems extreme, but have you read about the blood on the abortion beds that was not even cleaned up between girls?



We can not afford to be silent and let the wrong message manipulate and dictate the lives of youth around us. In a culture filled with loud messengers promoting the way of the world, we have to repeatedly speak the word of the Lord to them and over them. We have to celebrate purity. We have to celebrate truth. We have to stop being afraid and silent. The truth is the only thing that will set youth in bondage to promiscuity free.

Matthew 18:6 But if you cause one of these little ones who trusts in Me to fall into sin, it would be better for you to have a large millstone tied around your neck and be drowned in the depths of the sea.

Silence and absence leave wide open doors for evil influence and become the inevitable influence that leads to death.

LifeNews Note: Ellie Saul lives in quaint Jasper, AL with her husband Andrew. They are passionate lovers of Jesus and live to share His word and love with anyone they meet. Reprinted with permission from the Bound4Life blog.