Why Tim Tebow Totally Aggravates Pro-Abortion Activists

Opinion   |   Dave Andrusko   |   Jan 14, 2012   |   6:39PM   |   Washington, DC

Denver Bronco Quarterback Tim Tebow is a bone in the throat of pro-abortionists. But most of you already knew that, so why do I mention it today?

Well, I ran across a recent post this morning, with the headline, “What’s Not to Love About Tim Tebow? Start With His Anti-Abortion Ad”

Of course, an abiding resentment of and free-floating sense of grievance agaunst the ad is not new, either. The source of Jamilah King’s ire is the “Celebrate family, Celebrate life,” a 30-second ad that starred Tim and his mother, Pam, that aired during the 2010 Super Bowl.

As you recall when news leaked out that the ad, produced by Focus on the Family, was going to run, the usual suspects went bonkers. But to its credit CBS did not buckle under to threats.

When the much anticipated advertisement aired, the word “abortion” was never used. Instead Mrs. Tebow and her playfully horsed around while making a serious point about Tim, whom Pam Tebow called her “miracle baby.” (The pregnancy was difficult from the beginning. A doctor recommended an abortion, which the Tebows, a deeply devout couple, rejected.)

Mrs. Tebow says, “He almost didn’t make it into this world. I remember so many times when I almost lost him. It was so hard. Well, he’s all grown up now, and I still worry about his health [a lighthearted reference to being crushed by 300-pound lineman]. Everybody treats him like he’s different, but to me, he’s just my baby. He’s my Timmy, and I love him.” Tim then mocks tackling her.

The ad was clever, funny, and (no doubt worst of all) wholesome. The Tebows made their point deftly (and with humor) while pro-abortionists revealed themselves yet against as a bastion of intolerance as they tried to muscle CBS.

Ms. King’s “argument” is strained, desperate, and—which is so common with pro-abortionists—tries to weave the Tebows’ affirmation of life into part of a larger fabric of “intolerance.” This, by the way, is called projection: attributing your own undesirable thoughts, feelings, and ideas onto someone else.

At this point I’m kind of stymied. To go into further detail would be to talk about charges that no doubt make her feel good but are really unfair, untrue, and besides the point.

My conclusion is a simple one: First, watch the ad, always a picker-upper. Second, remember the only “defense” they can offer for making a living by killing—or justifying the killing—of millions of helpless babies is to change the subject.

LifeNews.com Note: Dave Andrusko is the editor of National Right to Life News and an author and editor of several books on abortion topics. This post originally appeared in his Natioanl Right to Life News Today —- an online column on pro-life issues.