After New Constitution, Hungary Launches Pro-Life Ad Campaign

International   |   Steven Ertelt   |   May 6, 2011   |   4:21PM   |   Budapest, Hungary

Last month Hungary adopted a new constitution that includes an article which protects life from the moment of conception.

Article II states: “Human dignity shall be inviolable. Every human being shall have the right to life and human dignity; embryonic and foetal life shall be subject to protection from the moment of conception.”

Now Hungarian officials are launching an ad campaign designed to demonstrate the humanity of the unborn child, reduce the rate of abortion, and save the lives of children in the womb. The ad features the picture of a baby in utero who speaks a message to his or her mother who may be considering abortion, “I understand if you aren’t ready for me …but rather put me up for adoption, LET ME LIVE!”

The ad is facing criticism from the pro-abortion Hungarian Women’s Lobby which claims that while government officials are not attempting to change the law permitting abortion on demand “they nevertheless explain that this is murder.”

According to Marie Smith, Director of the Parliamentary Network for Critical Issues, “The Hungarian constitution was signed on Easter Monday and nicknamed the “Easter Constitution” as a sign of rebirth for Hungary and a sign of hope for all of Europe. The new ads which dramatically show the baby in the womb while she or he awaits birth are a step in a new direction in Hungary that offers hope, life and love to Hungarian children and concern for their mothers.”

Smith praises the government officials for the ad campaign adding, “Hungarian leaders recognize that a picture is worth a thousand words and a picture of the child in utero can be more effective than hundreds of speeches urging protection for the unborn child. The use of such imagery demonstrates the undeniable humanity of the baby in the womb and has dramatically helped move US public opinion to the pro-life position. We applaud the ad campaign in Hungary and the government’s efforts, especially those of Prime Minister Victor Orban, to promote the life-affirming option of adoption over the violence of abortion.”